Thursday, November 26, 2009
Obstruction Resolved!!! Giving Thanks!
We were able to come home early this afternoon after quite a long night at the ER. Lacey's pain seemed to have subsided some as the day broke today and her abdominal xray was normal early this morning. The doctor ordered her a normal lunch tray and she ate hospital turkey and was able to tolerate it well, so we came home!! Praise God! That was yet another scary moment for Lacey and our family. We (and the doctors, who were slightly confused in South MS after such an operation) were considering surgery in the next day or two if the obstruction didn't get better. But once again, God delivered her and relieved her at the brink of her mental and physical destruction. He remains good and his grace abounds in our lives. She is home now and continues having some mild back pain, but much improved from yesterday's severe pain and projectile vomitting. She will hopefully continue to heal at home and we are praying for continued progress. Although yesterday was quite frightening and discouraging to all of us, it was not as bad as the repeated pancreas attacks that we've dealt with for the past several years.
Urgent Prayer Need for Lacey
Please pray for Lacey, we are at the ER and she has just been diagnosed with a partial small bowel obstruction. She will be admitted to the hospital for observation and they are planning to put a tube back in her nose to empty her stomach if the nausea is unstopable. They will watch her for a few days to see if the blockage resolves, then if the obstruction remains, they will be forced to do surgery to repair. Lacey is quite discouraged as you may imagine, but even in the wee hours of our thanksgiving morning, we are thankful that this is a partial obstruction. The surgeon here and in minnesota seem to be very optimistic that this will resolve in a day or two. Please lift Lacey before God's throne of grace and pray that God will glorify himself through this challenging time for us. More news on the blog tomorrow. God is good and we continue to thank Him for his grace and goodness.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Lord's Day
We are able to attend services today with our beloved church family for the first time in weeks. Lacey wasn't feeling very good this morning and had some troubles getting up and ready but God gave her strength and we made it to the service. We enjoyed it and enjoyed seeing our church family. Lacey was quite tired and in pain after only a few hours and we came back home around lunch time. It is so good to be with the people of God, and words can't express how it feels to be away from the family of God for so many weeks. We were and are always uplifted by our brothers and sisters in Christ.
As for Lacey, this afternoon was difficult for her and she had significantly more pain, possibly from the increased activity level of the day. She continues to have severe pains in her back and this afternoon she even had an episode of very sharp pain in her upper abdomen, which we never figured out exactly what that was. After such a surgery, there are so many areas of new connections and areas where sutures were placed, the pain inside of her varies and can be very bad at times. She has been slightly discouraged at times, and wishes to feel better quicker, but she knows (and has been warned by docs) that this will take time. The surgeon told her she'd feel better at 6 months than now, and better in 1 year than at 6 months..and he said she'd even feel better in 2 years than 1 year. She continues to press on and she challenges herself daily to get better. She pushes herself to do what we think is impossible and she goes on, even in severe pain at times. She is to be admired...but i will say and she would also, it's not her to be admired, it's our God working His will and ways in her to bring glory unto Himself. She and I continue to strive to give God the glory in this situation. As for me, I admit that filling the gaps around the house while lacey is down is very tough. The daily housework, bottle washing, clothes washing, and meal prep that she normally does is on me now and it is hard, but i will add that i am thankful God has placed me in such a position as a provider to my wife and child. Things are getting better each day for us and we continue to thank God.
If i may add one request: we were in a hospital room in MN for several days next to a lady named Nancy Wild. Her husband and her visited us just before she was discharged home. We keep in touch with her husband named Jim, and I can't call exactly what set of theological beliefs they have, and i surely can't call his or her salvation, but i will say that they need our prayers. I have been burdened by this thought for the past few days since i got an email from Jim saying his dear wife was back in the hospital with seizures (her previous problem was blot clots and heart problems) and his last email informed me that she was living what the doctors called "her last days." She is very sick and he is very upset. I think of this and realize that my wife laid less than 15 feet from her bed for days, my wife dealt with fevers, infections, pains, convulsions, confusion, and a major surgery. I know that i could be typing here on this blog the same news as he sent me, news that my wife was dying. Instead for some reason, God has spared Lacey and provided a means for her healing. For reasons, that only God knows, this dear lady, Nancy Wild is in her last days of life, with multiple health problems that continue to build...oh how precious is the life God gives? May we use it to His glory, may our end be satisfied in serving God and enjoying Him forever. Please pray for this couple, the Wilds, I'm not sure if they know God or not, but through email, he's assured me that our beliefs are quite different, and hasn't accepted my offer for scriptural counseling for this time of sufferring for he and his wife. Please pray that somehow God could reveal Himself to these people, even in the midst of such sufferring, for we know that He is working all things, through life or death, for the good of His people and for His glory.
For those who may want to just email this fellow, i will attach his email. If you do, just send him a short encouraging email, telling him he and his wife are being prayed for. Encourage him with scripture or with a short testimony of how God heals and provides, and even how God's work can be accomplished through death. The email is
Thank you again for your continued support and prayers. Lacey and I will forever thank our God for each of you.
Paul wrote to the church at Thessalonica:
I Thes 1:2-3 Every time we think of you, we thank God for you. Day and night you’re in our prayers 3 as we call to mind your work of faith, your labor of love, and your patience of hope in following our Master, Jesus Christ, before God our Father.
Our dear family and friends, we thank God for you day and night and could not be where we are today without God's blessing upon us through each of you.
As for Lacey, this afternoon was difficult for her and she had significantly more pain, possibly from the increased activity level of the day. She continues to have severe pains in her back and this afternoon she even had an episode of very sharp pain in her upper abdomen, which we never figured out exactly what that was. After such a surgery, there are so many areas of new connections and areas where sutures were placed, the pain inside of her varies and can be very bad at times. She has been slightly discouraged at times, and wishes to feel better quicker, but she knows (and has been warned by docs) that this will take time. The surgeon told her she'd feel better at 6 months than now, and better in 1 year than at 6 months..and he said she'd even feel better in 2 years than 1 year. She continues to press on and she challenges herself daily to get better. She pushes herself to do what we think is impossible and she goes on, even in severe pain at times. She is to be admired...but i will say and she would also, it's not her to be admired, it's our God working His will and ways in her to bring glory unto Himself. She and I continue to strive to give God the glory in this situation. As for me, I admit that filling the gaps around the house while lacey is down is very tough. The daily housework, bottle washing, clothes washing, and meal prep that she normally does is on me now and it is hard, but i will add that i am thankful God has placed me in such a position as a provider to my wife and child. Things are getting better each day for us and we continue to thank God.
If i may add one request: we were in a hospital room in MN for several days next to a lady named Nancy Wild. Her husband and her visited us just before she was discharged home. We keep in touch with her husband named Jim, and I can't call exactly what set of theological beliefs they have, and i surely can't call his or her salvation, but i will say that they need our prayers. I have been burdened by this thought for the past few days since i got an email from Jim saying his dear wife was back in the hospital with seizures (her previous problem was blot clots and heart problems) and his last email informed me that she was living what the doctors called "her last days." She is very sick and he is very upset. I think of this and realize that my wife laid less than 15 feet from her bed for days, my wife dealt with fevers, infections, pains, convulsions, confusion, and a major surgery. I know that i could be typing here on this blog the same news as he sent me, news that my wife was dying. Instead for some reason, God has spared Lacey and provided a means for her healing. For reasons, that only God knows, this dear lady, Nancy Wild is in her last days of life, with multiple health problems that continue to build...oh how precious is the life God gives? May we use it to His glory, may our end be satisfied in serving God and enjoying Him forever. Please pray for this couple, the Wilds, I'm not sure if they know God or not, but through email, he's assured me that our beliefs are quite different, and hasn't accepted my offer for scriptural counseling for this time of sufferring for he and his wife. Please pray that somehow God could reveal Himself to these people, even in the midst of such sufferring, for we know that He is working all things, through life or death, for the good of His people and for His glory.
For those who may want to just email this fellow, i will attach his email. If you do, just send him a short encouraging email, telling him he and his wife are being prayed for. Encourage him with scripture or with a short testimony of how God heals and provides, and even how God's work can be accomplished through death. The email is
Thank you again for your continued support and prayers. Lacey and I will forever thank our God for each of you.
Paul wrote to the church at Thessalonica:
I Thes 1:2-3 Every time we think of you, we thank God for you. Day and night you’re in our prayers 3 as we call to mind your work of faith, your labor of love, and your patience of hope in following our Master, Jesus Christ, before God our Father.
Our dear family and friends, we thank God for you day and night and could not be where we are today without God's blessing upon us through each of you.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Over the past two days, Lacey has done well but continues to have fairly severe pain at times. She is taking less and less insulin every day and continues to have good sugar levels. For now, she is only taking 14 units of Lantus insulin in the morning and has not needed any insulin throughout the day for over a week now. She spends most of the day in bed and remains weak and very sore. She is able to eat anything she chooses but only small portions due to her small stomach (that will expand with time i'm sure). She said yesterday that she was expecting to feel better quicker but doctors warned us that this would be a lengthy recovery and even now she is much better than her "pancreas" days, so we are thankful. I have been back to work yesterday and today, and things are busy again, but we remain thankful to our God for His blessings, and we are so happy to be home. Lacey has her mother and aunt, and maybe other friends and family that come during the day while i work to sit with her and elyse. Her sugar is quite unstable at times and elyse is full time entertainment, so we appreciate the help from our beloved family during this difficult time. We are all so ready for a normal family life and home life, but we are thankful because each day is a day closer to that time....what is normal anyway? God never defined normal for any of us, we are thankful to be used by Him, whether we consider our lives "normal" or not. We appreciate the continued prayers and lacey just told me as i type that she will blog tomorrow so read and watch for her'll be good i'm sure! Please continue to pray for her renewed strength and patience as the healing process continues. Also pray that God's perfect peace will gaurd her heart and mind in Christ Jesus as she rests at home for the next few weeks.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sorry there was no blog yesterday but it was quite a busy day as you may imagine with a 11 month old and a 3 week post opt wife on a 7 hour airport/flight journey home. We got homea around 1030 last night and we are so thankful. Today is very busy as i try to unpack and reorganize our home after being gone for so long. Thanks to many friends and family, we have groceries (fresh ones that is) and a clean house to come home to. Lacey is having a pretty good day and things continue to improve daily. We will continue to blog often and she will be blogging more and more as she feels better, so please keep watching because i feel that the best blessing is yet to come. Her story and account of all the things that have happened will be a blessing, so continue to check the blog as God provides us a way to share our testimony with all who will read. Sorry for the brief blog today, both of my girls are napping and i'm unpacking while things are quiet. I love these two girls and I am so thankful to be "the man of the house" and to be able to provide, lead, and protect such a wonderful family. God is so good. please keep praying. The cards and letters and prayers have been immeasurable and we thank you all!!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Ready to Go!
We had a good day today at Bethelem Baptist here in town then Lacey's father and I had the priviledge to attend a Minnesota Vikings game thanks to the benevolence of the Favre family. They are simply wonderful people and have reached out to us in many ways while we were here in the city. By the way, the people here LOVE the Favre's, and we have been nearly famous here just because we're from Mississippi. We LOVE the Favre's too and can't thank them enough for their acts of kindness. I hope Mrs. Favre and Lacey can connect again during the future, since I believe both women are absolutely amazing women and have such a story of God's blessings for others to hear. After meeting Mrs. Favre, I see many qualities in her that I see in my dear wife, for God has given them both many similar personality traits due to their trials and sufferrings. So thankful for the encouragement Mrs. Favre has been to Lacey and many others.
We are more than ready to get home and we are planning to leave here tomorrow around 3pm. Lacey had a very bad episode of pain and nausea tonight and actually passed out in the bathroom, which scared us all, but her pain peaked to a point that she just passed out. We helped her to bed and she is now resting well beside me as I write. We continue to thank God, and we are trying to gradually put all the blessings into words so that we can share them with our families, friends, and churches....and whoever will listen to our testimony of God's wonderful grace in our lives. We are ready to see you all and hope to catch up on some visiting over the next few weeks as Lacey continues to heal.
I attached some pictures below of many things: her first steak, football game, and some great pics of our dear baby girl, who has mastered the "my ma ma" call in the past few weeks!
We are more than ready to get home and we are planning to leave here tomorrow around 3pm. Lacey had a very bad episode of pain and nausea tonight and actually passed out in the bathroom, which scared us all, but her pain peaked to a point that she just passed out. We helped her to bed and she is now resting well beside me as I write. We continue to thank God, and we are trying to gradually put all the blessings into words so that we can share them with our families, friends, and churches....and whoever will listen to our testimony of God's wonderful grace in our lives. We are ready to see you all and hope to catch up on some visiting over the next few weeks as Lacey continues to heal.
I attached some pictures below of many things: her first steak, football game, and some great pics of our dear baby girl, who has mastered the "my ma ma" call in the past few weeks!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
2 Nights til Homecoming!
Hey, its Jeremy tonight, Lacey has had another slightly better day today than yesterday and we continue to see improvement everyday. She still has the pains and still needs medications for pain and mild nausea but she continues to progress and I think by Monday, she'll be ready for the flight. She is using much less insulin and we learned that she really is only in need of the long acting insulin in the morning. She has had no insulin with meals today, and has not had any episodes of low sugar like she's been having the past several days. It seems that the islet cells are working more everyday. Her sugars have been within normal limits, then rise slightly with meals, then decrease again after a few hours as they are supposed to do. We were delighted tonight to be able to go to the well renowned Ruth's Chris Steakhouse for Lacey's first steak in 12 years. It was wonderful. She only ate about half of it but she loved and and tears rolled down her face as she realized the taste she's been missing for many years. She and I enjoyed a quiet date while her parents kept our wonderful baby girl for a few hours. We got back to the hotel and Lacey was quite worn out and in some pain across her ribs and back, but the outing was very enjoyable..and good for us both. We are hoping to attend church here in Minneapolis tomorrow morning at Bethlehem Baptist Church, the church pastored by John Piper. He is truly a hero of the faith and for those who don't know him, he is a very popular writer and theologian. See his blog attached on my page, it's called Desiring God. It's great! I've learned a lot from listening, reading, and studying his materials and we are very excited about listening to him preach and worshipping with the body of believers at Bethlehem Baptist. Please continue to pray for us as we plan to fly home on Monday and pray that God will continue to gaurd and protect Lacey as we travel. We are all slightly nervous about the flight but we know God's provisions and protection is with us. He has been so good to us. So ready to see you all, our family and friends!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Hey Y'all! It's me!
Well hello there everyone! It's me, Lace. I've been meaning to blog sooner but my darling husband has been doing such a grand job that I hated to take it away from him! Just to warn everyone, I will not be near as good at this as he is. Anyway, I sure do miss you all. The utube hellos from the church were absolutely wonderful and make me cry tears of longing and joy everytime I watch them. First off, I could not even begin thanking everyone who needs to be thanked. I mean, absolutely every person I know has been so helpful in so many ways. Thank you to everyone is the only way I know how to say it. Thank you Thank you. The prayers and cards and calls have been so encouraging and have helped keep my spirits up when they were not where they were supposed to be. God has been so good to me, guys. There's just no two ways about it. He has blessed in every corner of this situation, even corners that we didn't even know existed! God Almighty deserves all praise and honor!!! He has brought me and my family through this and has made us stronger in Him, more reliant upon Him, and happy in Him.
Today has been a wonderful, blessed day! My family took me to the mall of America where Jeremy pushed me in a wheelchair, constantly trying to keep me in it because I'd see something interesting and I'd try to jump up to get it or grab ahold of the wheels and start pushing myself. One thing I've had to learn through this whole thing is to let my family do things for me until I heal. For those of you who know me well, you know this is very difficult for me...but the Lord is teaching me day by day. He's allowed me to feel so much better that I feel I could do anything! Watch out, guys! Cause when I heal completely, y'all better move aside! Ha Ha.
I still have limitations though, and that's ok. My sugar is a pickle to get regulated, but it's a comin. I've had a few hurting spells today but nothing like it's been. The doc told me yesterday that it was ok to pick up Elyse so everytime I bend down to pick her up, my whole family gasps and holds their breath. They don't feel I should be doing that just yet...but what mother doesn't want to hold their child constantly? When I hold her, I squeeze her and smell of her and I close my eyes and thank God for putting her back into my arms again. When I look at her, I praise God for such a gift as she. She is my little loan of love, our gift from above and my desire is to give her back to the Lord so that He is most glorified. I feel a flood of emotions when my husband holds me. I just squeeze him, smell of him, thanking God for creating such a good man. If you guys don't understand what kind of man the Lord has brought me, well let me tell ya! Jeremy has been such a strong, God fearing, God glorifying, will seeking man through this whole ordeal. When my faith would become weary and my mind overwhelmed with narcotics and pain, he would hold me and quote scripture and remind me of how our Lord will never leave us and he would give me examples of how the Lord was working this for our good. During the long, dark nights, I could hear him whispering prayers on my behalf, begging God to ease my pain. Guys, I have the most wonderful man in the world! I am not bragging. I am so thankful because I know if he were not the one God created for me, that he would have left me a long time ago. He has had to deal with so much but he has looked to God for his strength and has been a husband to me that I will forever be greatful for.
My family is the same way. Mother, Daddy, Mr. Ricky, Mrs. Sharon. They have been by my side, holding my hand, reassuring me that everything will be ok. They have taken care of our precious daughter, which means more to a mother that almost anything. They have lifted me up in prayer constantly and have been there for every big and small request I have ever made. Thank y'all so much. I love you all more that I will ever be able to express. Daddy, thank you for plugging the ipod in my ears with songs that kept my thoughts on God. Thank you for reading scripture and songs to me, even when I was not very fun to be around. Mother, thank you for holding me, kissing me on my forhead and singing to me. Thank you for holding my hair back during those awful times of you know what...... Even the smell of you comforts me. It brings me back to my childhood of comfort and happiness.
I feel so much better, guys. It's so hard to explain. Yes, I still have surgical pains that are pretty uncomfortable but to have no pancreatic's unbelievable really! The moment I woke up in recovery, I was in extreme pain but I reached to feel where I normally hurt with pancreatitis, and it wasn't there!!! Not one bit! UNBELIEVABLE! After 12 years of this hideous pain, it's just...GONE! Glory be to our God!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really haven't told the story of my surgery and recovery and the details thereof. I'll do that tomorrow or the next day. I'm getting pretty tired now but I just wanted to share some of my thoughts with you all and express my gratitude, in some small way atleast. Thank y'all again for everything and thank you to the followers of this blog. Thank you for being interested and thank you for your prayers. May our God ever bless you!
Some pictures of us at the mall..and of my first outing at the Sushi resturant.
Me and Elyse in the mall.
Today has been a wonderful, blessed day! My family took me to the mall of America where Jeremy pushed me in a wheelchair, constantly trying to keep me in it because I'd see something interesting and I'd try to jump up to get it or grab ahold of the wheels and start pushing myself. One thing I've had to learn through this whole thing is to let my family do things for me until I heal. For those of you who know me well, you know this is very difficult for me...but the Lord is teaching me day by day. He's allowed me to feel so much better that I feel I could do anything! Watch out, guys! Cause when I heal completely, y'all better move aside! Ha Ha.
I still have limitations though, and that's ok. My sugar is a pickle to get regulated, but it's a comin. I've had a few hurting spells today but nothing like it's been. The doc told me yesterday that it was ok to pick up Elyse so everytime I bend down to pick her up, my whole family gasps and holds their breath. They don't feel I should be doing that just yet...but what mother doesn't want to hold their child constantly? When I hold her, I squeeze her and smell of her and I close my eyes and thank God for putting her back into my arms again. When I look at her, I praise God for such a gift as she. She is my little loan of love, our gift from above and my desire is to give her back to the Lord so that He is most glorified. I feel a flood of emotions when my husband holds me. I just squeeze him, smell of him, thanking God for creating such a good man. If you guys don't understand what kind of man the Lord has brought me, well let me tell ya! Jeremy has been such a strong, God fearing, God glorifying, will seeking man through this whole ordeal. When my faith would become weary and my mind overwhelmed with narcotics and pain, he would hold me and quote scripture and remind me of how our Lord will never leave us and he would give me examples of how the Lord was working this for our good. During the long, dark nights, I could hear him whispering prayers on my behalf, begging God to ease my pain. Guys, I have the most wonderful man in the world! I am not bragging. I am so thankful because I know if he were not the one God created for me, that he would have left me a long time ago. He has had to deal with so much but he has looked to God for his strength and has been a husband to me that I will forever be greatful for.
My family is the same way. Mother, Daddy, Mr. Ricky, Mrs. Sharon. They have been by my side, holding my hand, reassuring me that everything will be ok. They have taken care of our precious daughter, which means more to a mother that almost anything. They have lifted me up in prayer constantly and have been there for every big and small request I have ever made. Thank y'all so much. I love you all more that I will ever be able to express. Daddy, thank you for plugging the ipod in my ears with songs that kept my thoughts on God. Thank you for reading scripture and songs to me, even when I was not very fun to be around. Mother, thank you for holding me, kissing me on my forhead and singing to me. Thank you for holding my hair back during those awful times of you know what...... Even the smell of you comforts me. It brings me back to my childhood of comfort and happiness.
I feel so much better, guys. It's so hard to explain. Yes, I still have surgical pains that are pretty uncomfortable but to have no pancreatic's unbelievable really! The moment I woke up in recovery, I was in extreme pain but I reached to feel where I normally hurt with pancreatitis, and it wasn't there!!! Not one bit! UNBELIEVABLE! After 12 years of this hideous pain, it's just...GONE! Glory be to our God!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really haven't told the story of my surgery and recovery and the details thereof. I'll do that tomorrow or the next day. I'm getting pretty tired now but I just wanted to share some of my thoughts with you all and express my gratitude, in some small way atleast. Thank y'all again for everything and thank you to the followers of this blog. Thank you for being interested and thank you for your prayers. May our God ever bless you!
Some pictures of us at the mall..and of my first outing at the Sushi resturant.
Me and Elyse in the mall.
Isn't she a doll?
She went and got the shoes and wanted them on with her night gown.
Daddy and his girl at the sushi resturant.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Follow-Up Doctors Visit
The visit with Dr. Sutherland went very well this morning and he was surprised and impressed at Lacey's progress and recovery. He released us to come home whenever Lacey felt up to flying!!! Praise God! We are so ready to come home and see our families and friends. Lacey continues to feel better everyday and still has ups and downs with her pain and sugar. Dr. Sutherland seemed to think that her islets were working hard and that we were overdoing the insulin, and causing these daily sugar drops. She had another drop today and it went to 43 so we did the spoon full of sugar in her mouth until she woke up enough to eat some crackers and juice. We are gonna back off the insulin over the next few days and ensure that we are able to fly home without any major episodes. She has taken less pain meds each day and doctors say it will take quite a while before her pain is completely gone. He said she may deal with pains for up to another 6 months before all is working well again. We are thankful for the news and we are hoping to fly home sometime late Monday night or tuesday morning. Please continue to pray that Lacey will gain strength and that our flight home will be much less eventful than the flight into Minnesota. Sorry I don't have any pics of Dr. Sutherland and Lacey hugging...I took the camera but left the battery on charge at the hotel! Hope he'll email us the pics he took with his I-Phone soon and I'll post them. He is a wonderful man and he and Lacey have bonded wonderfully through this process. He tears up at the sight of Lacey and her thankfulness and genuiness toward him has really won his heart. Please thank God for him in your prayers, because he is truly a blessing to so many people.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Hotel Day 3 - Healing and Rejoicing!
I Thessalonians 5:16-18 - "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. "
Rejoicing! What a joyful precept of God's word! Because Jesus has sufferred, we are encouraged, commanded and enabled to rejoice. In this passage, we have an imperative command to rejoice, and we ought even to rejoice at the mention of a command to rejoice. Here, the apostle, Paul, speaks to the church of the Thessalonians of rejoicing as a personal, present, permanent duty to be always carried out by the people of God. The Lord has not left it to our own option whether we will sorrow or rejoice, but He has pinned us down to it by positive injunction here in 1 Thessalonians —“Rejoice evermore.” This command to rejoice is set in the midst of a passage of duties, and just after the text, comes a flavor of trouble and bitterness and a command to "hold fast to what is good."
A quote from C.H. Spurgeon pertaining to this passage comes to mind: " Suppose some other kind of trial should come upon you? You are still to rejoice in the Lord always. The dearest friend is dead—“rejoice evermore.” The sweet babe is sickening, the darling of your household will be taken away— “rejoice evermore.” Trade is ebbing out, prosperity is disappearing from you—you may even be brought to poverty— but, “rejoice evermore.” Your health is affected, your lungs are weak, your heart does not beat with regularity, very soon you may be sick unto death, but, “rejoice evermore.” Shortly you must put off this tabernacle altogether! Tokens warn you that you must soon close your eyes in death, but, “rejoice evermore.” There is no limit to the exhortation! It is always in season! Through fire and through water, through life and through death, “rejoice evermore.”
So how do we rejoice in such a time of sufferring? Think upon none other than that Holy and lovely one, whom gave Himself for thee, on Golgotha's hill. Think of the love of the Father, who gave this, His one begotten Son for the ones of His that would be saved. Think of the Father's love flowing down from his merciful and gracious hand of perfection, sovereignty, and abounding beneficence toward me and you, His people. People of our God, we must rejoice in His promises, rejoice in His being, and rejoice in His dear son, the one who is altogether lovely, Jesus Christ. Children of God, think of the Holy Spirit and rejoice in Him as dwelling in you, quickening you, comforting you, illuminating you,and abiding with you forever. Think of the Triune God and be blessed. I believe in our right mind, every doctrine of Gospel will give us due reason to rejoice, every promise will make us glad, and every precept will fulfill our every longing for joy. Rejoice with us in Christ Jesus, as we conquer and overcome, just as we rejoiced in the midst of the sufferring. Victory in Chirst is sweetest when the depth of sufferring is deepest and the height of His revealed glory is highest!
Today has been even slightly better than yesterday and Lacey continues to need less and less pain meds, although she is still hurting severely at times. Food proves to be moving through her system as desired by the surgical team(and designed by God!) and she was able to get out to a baby boutique today and do a little looking around. She enjoyed the outing and we continue to praise God for his many blessings, which are too numerous to name. As this begins to end and our time for departure home draws near, we continue to count our many blessings and attempt to name them one by one. As we do this, we see and know that God has been extremely gracious to us and we continue to thank Him.
Lacey intended to be the blogger tonight and she is not feeling that great at the time so I decided to take advantage of another opportunity to blog (as you all may well know by now how much I enjoy it). Her blood sugars continue to be "out of whack" and are difficult to control. Once a day for the past 3 days she has had an episode of low blood sugar and today it was 51 and she almost lost consiousness. We are good at feeding her sugar until she comes around the sugar returns to a normal level. We are hoping to get some better management formulas from the surgeon, and the nurse today informed me that the islets were working some and that is the reason the sugar is so hard to control. This is a good problem to have at this point and we are thankful that the transplanted islets are seemingly working. Look for info on tomorrow's blog for a possible homecoming date and we are really hoping to be heading south by early to mid next week. I can't thank you all enough for your continued love, support, and prayers for Lacey and me as we continue to endure this difficult but yet glorious time.
Rejoicing! What a joyful precept of God's word! Because Jesus has sufferred, we are encouraged, commanded and enabled to rejoice. In this passage, we have an imperative command to rejoice, and we ought even to rejoice at the mention of a command to rejoice. Here, the apostle, Paul, speaks to the church of the Thessalonians of rejoicing as a personal, present, permanent duty to be always carried out by the people of God. The Lord has not left it to our own option whether we will sorrow or rejoice, but He has pinned us down to it by positive injunction here in 1 Thessalonians —“Rejoice evermore.” This command to rejoice is set in the midst of a passage of duties, and just after the text, comes a flavor of trouble and bitterness and a command to "hold fast to what is good."
A quote from C.H. Spurgeon pertaining to this passage comes to mind: " Suppose some other kind of trial should come upon you? You are still to rejoice in the Lord always. The dearest friend is dead—“rejoice evermore.” The sweet babe is sickening, the darling of your household will be taken away— “rejoice evermore.” Trade is ebbing out, prosperity is disappearing from you—you may even be brought to poverty— but, “rejoice evermore.” Your health is affected, your lungs are weak, your heart does not beat with regularity, very soon you may be sick unto death, but, “rejoice evermore.” Shortly you must put off this tabernacle altogether! Tokens warn you that you must soon close your eyes in death, but, “rejoice evermore.” There is no limit to the exhortation! It is always in season! Through fire and through water, through life and through death, “rejoice evermore.”
So how do we rejoice in such a time of sufferring? Think upon none other than that Holy and lovely one, whom gave Himself for thee, on Golgotha's hill. Think of the love of the Father, who gave this, His one begotten Son for the ones of His that would be saved. Think of the Father's love flowing down from his merciful and gracious hand of perfection, sovereignty, and abounding beneficence toward me and you, His people. People of our God, we must rejoice in His promises, rejoice in His being, and rejoice in His dear son, the one who is altogether lovely, Jesus Christ. Children of God, think of the Holy Spirit and rejoice in Him as dwelling in you, quickening you, comforting you, illuminating you,and abiding with you forever. Think of the Triune God and be blessed. I believe in our right mind, every doctrine of Gospel will give us due reason to rejoice, every promise will make us glad, and every precept will fulfill our every longing for joy. Rejoice with us in Christ Jesus, as we conquer and overcome, just as we rejoiced in the midst of the sufferring. Victory in Chirst is sweetest when the depth of sufferring is deepest and the height of His revealed glory is highest!
Today has been even slightly better than yesterday and Lacey continues to need less and less pain meds, although she is still hurting severely at times. Food proves to be moving through her system as desired by the surgical team(and designed by God!) and she was able to get out to a baby boutique today and do a little looking around. She enjoyed the outing and we continue to praise God for his many blessings, which are too numerous to name. As this begins to end and our time for departure home draws near, we continue to count our many blessings and attempt to name them one by one. As we do this, we see and know that God has been extremely gracious to us and we continue to thank Him.
Lacey intended to be the blogger tonight and she is not feeling that great at the time so I decided to take advantage of another opportunity to blog (as you all may well know by now how much I enjoy it). Her blood sugars continue to be "out of whack" and are difficult to control. Once a day for the past 3 days she has had an episode of low blood sugar and today it was 51 and she almost lost consiousness. We are good at feeding her sugar until she comes around the sugar returns to a normal level. We are hoping to get some better management formulas from the surgeon, and the nurse today informed me that the islets were working some and that is the reason the sugar is so hard to control. This is a good problem to have at this point and we are thankful that the transplanted islets are seemingly working. Look for info on tomorrow's blog for a possible homecoming date and we are really hoping to be heading south by early to mid next week. I can't thank you all enough for your continued love, support, and prayers for Lacey and me as we continue to endure this difficult but yet glorious time.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Hotel Day 2
Day 2 here at the hotel has been rather uneventful and we remain very thankful for yet another day of healing from the hand of our Lord. Lacey has done well and continues to need medications for her pain, which is expected for awhile. She is also having some issues with her blood sugars, and like yesterday, it seems that the sugar gets really low really quickly. We are experimenting daily with insulin and trying to do what the diabetic team told us, but with her islets doing partial work and her insulin doing the other part, it is difficult to maintain. We are thankful for the activity of her islet cells and it seems that she continues to get better..and closer to flying south! After seeing the surgeon on Thursday we will know more about when we can come home but we are hoping for sometime early to mid next week.
We did get to go out to dinner tonight about 2 blocks from the hotel and Lacey was able to try some fried sushi for the first time. We had an enjoyable with with her parents and Elyse, but she was tired and ready to rest when we got back to the hotel. Please continue to pray that God will increase her strength and prepare her for such a long trip back home. Thank you for your coninued prayers, and please continue to watch the blog as Lacey will in the next few days, begin to blog some of her experiences. I am very excited for all of you to hear from Lacey and she is excited about sharing God's grace and mercy with so many of you, who have held us up in prayer for so many days.
Also if I could add, if any of you are interested, please see on my list of blogs that I follow, and look at the blog Altogether Lovely, which is a blog started by Lacey's father, Randy. It is full of Biblical nutrition and has some breif and very powerful teaching on God's Holy Word. He also has been deeply impacted, as you may imagine, by watching his daughter suffer for 12 years with such a life threatening illness.
A sweet time for Mommy and Baby
Tears at the good taste of pizza!
Catching up on quality time with our girl!
We did get to go out to dinner tonight about 2 blocks from the hotel and Lacey was able to try some fried sushi for the first time. We had an enjoyable with with her parents and Elyse, but she was tired and ready to rest when we got back to the hotel. Please continue to pray that God will increase her strength and prepare her for such a long trip back home. Thank you for your coninued prayers, and please continue to watch the blog as Lacey will in the next few days, begin to blog some of her experiences. I am very excited for all of you to hear from Lacey and she is excited about sharing God's grace and mercy with so many of you, who have held us up in prayer for so many days.
Also if I could add, if any of you are interested, please see on my list of blogs that I follow, and look at the blog Altogether Lovely, which is a blog started by Lacey's father, Randy. It is full of Biblical nutrition and has some breif and very powerful teaching on God's Holy Word. He also has been deeply impacted, as you may imagine, by watching his daughter suffer for 12 years with such a life threatening illness.
A sweet time for Mommy and Baby
Tears at the good taste of pizza!
Catching up on quality time with our girl!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hotel Day 1
We enjoyed our day together at the hotel today and Lacey continues to do fairly well. She is still having moderate pain but it is controlled by the medications she has available to take. Her blood sugars have been jumping around a bit today and the insulin treatments after meals is getting a little tricky. She had low sugar this morning and again this evening and we had to give her a sweet treat to make it come up. It seems that the insulin regimen given to us by the nursing staff is a little too aggressive for Lacey. That leads us to beleive that her transplanted islet cells are beginning to work, which is a good thing. She is able to eat a normal diet and has had minimal nausea today, which was also controlled by her medications. She did get to eat a real pizza tonight (and they have great pizza up here), and her parents and I stood around the bed watching her enjoy pizza with real ranch dressing. We all cried together with joy. She has been able to have more time and interaction with Elyse, although she can't lift her, or anything else greater than 10 pounds for 4 more weeks. Elyse has the ma-ma-ma call down, and she calls her mommy often. God has preserved Elyse's memory of her mother, and it's almost like they were never apart. We will see our surgeon on Thursday at 930 and hopefully we'll get an idea of when we can fly home. Looking forward to seeing him again, and thanking him for his good work. All continues to go well, although Lacey has had a severe bout of pain as I write this tonight, but I think the medication is beginning to help relieve it. We hope to have a day or two of enjoyment in the city this week as she begins to feel better. Sorry for the lack of blogging today, it's been an enjoyable but very busy day! Thank you for your continued prayers and support, so ready to see you all. I'll attach some good pictures tomorrow.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
As you all probably have heard, Lacey was discharged today and the doctors have been more than amazed by her progress. She is still having pain and needing pain meds but she is taking adequate food and liquid to be free of IV therapy. She is free from IV or PICC line for the first time in 49 days. She has had no vomitting and foods are moving through her system as expected. We are so thankful. Our God is wonderful. Not only is wonderful at our time of discharge, but God is good to His people. He has been good to us even through the deepest days of sufferring and we cry thanks to Him from the depths of our very souls. So many thoughts in my mind right now about our blessings that I will eventually get into words. I know whom we have believed in, and am sure that He is able to guard until that Day what has been entrusted to me. Please continue to pray that God's wonderful and perfect will be made manifest in our lives.
2 Timothy 1:6 ¶ For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, 7 for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 8 Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, 9 who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began, 10 and which now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel, 11 for which I was appointed a preacher and apostle and teacher,
12 which is why I suffer as I do. But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that Day what has been entrusted to me.
13 Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. 14 By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you.
Some photos for your (and our) enjoyment, please rejoice with us, for many of you have sufferred with us:
Elyse's expression when she realized Lacey was at the hotel with us!
2 Timothy 1:6 ¶ For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, 7 for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 8 Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, 9 who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began, 10 and which now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel, 11 for which I was appointed a preacher and apostle and teacher,
12 which is why I suffer as I do. But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that Day what has been entrusted to me.
13 Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. 14 By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you.
Some photos for your (and our) enjoyment, please rejoice with us, for many of you have sufferred with us:
Elyse's expression when she realized Lacey was at the hotel with us!
Not trying to get everyone premature excited but wanted to share a bit of info the docs told us this morning. They said that they were going to check Lacey's calorie count from yesterday and assess her pain medicine use and effectiveness this morning and if all checks out, we'll be discharged TODAY!! We are excited but trying to keep our cool because there is some reservations on the doctors part at this time. They told Lacey this morning that she has been the toughest patient ever for this auto-islet procedure and that if she went home today, it would be the shortest hospital stay after the surgery that she had! We are thankful and we know that no one but God could accomplish such a pheat.
She had a good night last night with only one flair up of pain around 430am, but this seemed to be because she had slept for so long and the pain snuck up on her, because she wasn't awake to take meds. They gave her medicine and the pain settled. I woke this morning to find her as you see her in the picture below, sleeping on her stomach!! What a comfort for her to finally after nearly 8 weeks of pain be sleeping on her stomach. I am amazed daily at the little things that we overlook, but God is giving her the comforts of life back, one by one. I will post more as soon as we hear for sure about discharge. They said if not today, for sure in the morning. Keep praying!
Sleeping on her tummy. Must feel good!
Incision site after 12 days.
Drain removal site.
She had a good night last night with only one flair up of pain around 430am, but this seemed to be because she had slept for so long and the pain snuck up on her, because she wasn't awake to take meds. They gave her medicine and the pain settled. I woke this morning to find her as you see her in the picture below, sleeping on her stomach!! What a comfort for her to finally after nearly 8 weeks of pain be sleeping on her stomach. I am amazed daily at the little things that we overlook, but God is giving her the comforts of life back, one by one. I will post more as soon as we hear for sure about discharge. They said if not today, for sure in the morning. Keep praying!
Sleeping on her tummy. Must feel good!
Incision site after 12 days.
Drain removal site.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Post Opt Day 12
The drain was removed today! The doctors said that her drainage had decreased to the amount that it wasn't useful and the resident doctor came by and removed it early this afternoon. Lacey was very relieved and has had a better day today and has been on pain meds by mouth all day. Her pain has been bad a few times but the fact that it is controlled by mouth is one step in the right direction for getting discharged. She was able to have a good walk today with her mother outside to the sidewalk, and the weather here was great with a temp around 60 degrees. Lacey is very ready to go home..mentally at least, but we're not sure she's quite ready physically. The doctors this morning said they were looking torward Monday for discharge to the hotel. We will then stay in the hotel from 1 to 1 1/2 weeks then finally head home if all goes well. We will have to see the surgeon in his clinic before going back to MS. We are so ready. I think that by Monday, Lacey will possibly be ready for discharge to hotel. The only line she has left in her is the PICC line in her right arm that is used for IV fluids and TPN. They have cut the TPN down to only 12 hours a day instead of 24 and the nurses and doctors are simply amazed at the fact that she's not having much nausea. They are counting her calories and backing off the TPN as her calories increase. Her blood sugars have been better controlled and the nurses think that the islets are beginning to work. The nurse tonight just came in and said it was purely a miracle that Lacey has only vomitted once since the surgery, and of course we attribute that simply to our loving all powerful God, who has continue to providentially work every detail out so that this process has been bearable for Lacey. It has been very very difficult and at times, she and I both have wanted to quit, but the Lord graciously continues to provide grace and strength.
We will see what the night and tomorrow holds and we are both SO ready to come home and see our family, church, friends, an co workers. Miss you all so much. Thanks for the prayers and support. I've pasted some pictures below and hope this makes you smile. Lace was able to feed Elyse a bottle today for the first time in many weeks. She cried through the whole process. She misses her so much and longs for the day when she can feed her again. It's so easy to overlook little things in life like feeding our children bottles and changing their diapers, but these things are precious and should be appreciated. Lacey is so ready to be the mother God has called her to be and that day is coming soon. She also got to eat Cadburry chocolate today and Raising Canes chicken fingers. The pictures shown are such a blessing to see for us, and were taken during her times of feeling good. Please keep praying because there are many times during the day when the smiles you see are not there because of such pain. Pray that God will continue to heal her body, and that He will be glorified through our testimony of this sufferring. We love you all. Enjoy the pics, smile and cry with us. God is truly good.
First time feeding Elyse in weeks
We will see what the night and tomorrow holds and we are both SO ready to come home and see our family, church, friends, an co workers. Miss you all so much. Thanks for the prayers and support. I've pasted some pictures below and hope this makes you smile. Lace was able to feed Elyse a bottle today for the first time in many weeks. She cried through the whole process. She misses her so much and longs for the day when she can feed her again. It's so easy to overlook little things in life like feeding our children bottles and changing their diapers, but these things are precious and should be appreciated. Lacey is so ready to be the mother God has called her to be and that day is coming soon. She also got to eat Cadburry chocolate today and Raising Canes chicken fingers. The pictures shown are such a blessing to see for us, and were taken during her times of feeling good. Please keep praying because there are many times during the day when the smiles you see are not there because of such pain. Pray that God will continue to heal her body, and that He will be glorified through our testimony of this sufferring. We love you all. Enjoy the pics, smile and cry with us. God is truly good.
First time feeding Elyse in weeks
Friday, November 6, 2009
Post Opt Day 11
Today has been somewhat better than yesterday thus far. Lacey has only had one episode of severe pain and she has been taken completely off the IV pain meds. She is receiving pain meds by mouth and doing fairly well. The communication between her brain and her stomach and bowels is somewhat messed up due to the surgery and doctors say this can take a few months to resolve. The pains are due to muscle spasms in her stomach, sides, and back, and any type of gastric movement is very painful as her intestines continue to "wake up" and trying to function as usual. She has had no more vomitting since last night and has had a fair appetite today. Her drain coming out from inside her belly has decreased in output greatly today and it should definitely be removed late this evening or in the morning. Doctors are still saying that discharge may not be until mid next week, but we are happy with that as long as Lacey continues to make progress. She has been more encouraged today and since last night, the Lord has continued to increase her peace and rest and today has been a better day. She is able to move around and we walked downstairs and outside for a few minutes. She is now only getting TPN for 16 hours a day rather than 24 hours, since she is getting some nutrition by mouth. Doctors continue to say she is one of the strongest patients they've seen, and they even comment on her drive and motivation to get better. We know the God gives her this drive and motivation and the drive to be a wife and mother in our home once again. We will hold fast to God's promises and continue to withstand the hospital life until He sees fit to give her complete comfort and discharge from here. Thank you all again for the support and prayers and words cannot express how thankful we are. It is hard to appreciate being a part of God's family until you experience Christian love and ministry from brothers and sisters in Christ as we have the past month.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Rough Day
Psalm 139:1 O LORD, You have searched me and known me. 2 You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. 3 You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all my ways. 4 For there is not a word on my tongue, But behold, O LORD, You know it altogether. 5 You have hedged me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me. 6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; It is high, I cannot attain it. 7 Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? 8 If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. 9 If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, 10 Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me. 11 If I say, "Surely the darkness shall fall on me," Even the night shall be light about me; 12 Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, But the night shines as the day; The darkness and the light are both alike to You.
13 For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.
14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. 15 My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.
17 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!
18 If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You. 19 Oh, that You would slay the wicked, O God! Depart from me, therefore, you bloodthirsty men.20 For they speak against You wickedly; Your enemies take Your name in vain.21 Do I not hate them, O LORD, who hate You? And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?22 I hate them with perfect hatred; I count them my enemies.23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties;24 And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.
This is my prayer tonight as I write heavy hearted, after I've watched my dear wife on the heels of such a hard 2 months, she's had a rough day today. The pains of post surgery muscle spasms that radiate from her rib cage around to her back have become yet even more intense and it is wearing on her already frail body. She wishes and wants that each day be her day of discharge, but i must say that today was a slightly different story. She had a total of 4 major bouts of pain today, which doctors continue to say are normal, but the classification of normal doesn't lessen the pain. Tonight, as we were visiting with Lacey's mother and Elyse, Lacey hastily got up from bed and squatted to the floor in tears, just trying to find a comfortable position, she cried and moaned and rushed into the restroom where she began to vomit. So painful and distressing for a already marred abdomen to endure such pressure. We assisted her back to bed and the wonderful nurses provided her with some meds for nausea and she was more comfortable within minutes. However, this knocked her down emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually as we all recognize the difficulty it is to continue to hold fast to our Lord when things seem so negative. Please pray that Lacey can continue, by God's intervening hand, to trust in Him. Pray that God will continue to strengthen her and hold her up as she desires so much to be with her dear baby girl. Pray also that i may continue to share truths from God's word with her that she may be upheld by His spirit and preserved by his promises. She is resting now and seems to be more comfortable but we can only beg our Creator to glorify Himself through us, and we beg Him that it may be pleasing in His sight to begin to remove some pain and distress from my beautiful bride, of whom I love dearly.
I find rest in the Psalm of David quoted above because I know that God knows us, He knows are sitting and our rising, He knows our hearts and minds, and He hems us in on all sides with a hedge of protection. We cannot and will not ever be or flee from his presence. His hand leads and holds us up. The darkness we face as the sun sinks low this evening and Lacey continues to suffer is no darkness at all to our God. He neither slumbers nor sleeps, and in Him there is no shadow of turning. He formed even Lacey's inner most parts and knew them in her mother's womb, and His eyes saw and knew even our unformed substance. God isn't affected by fatigue, soreness, nausea or emotional despair, God is a God of consistency, sovereignty and love. His way for us is our way toward good. Lacey, in the midst of her vomitting today said, "at least my pancreas isn't hurting, I can deal with this," my heart wept but she demonstrated a trust in God's providences and demonstrated her sight that even in this, He is working for our good. He is using her sufferring, 1200 miles from home, and many nights away from a beloved 10 month old daughter, to affect and change the lives of many people. How could we complain? To God be the Glory! Thank you for calls, texts, prayers, cards, flowers, baby supplies and simple comments on this blog. Each of these is so encouraging to us, me especially, as i continue to minister to Lacey. Please continue to pray for her and for her complete healing.
13 For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.
14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. 15 My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.
17 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!
18 If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You. 19 Oh, that You would slay the wicked, O God! Depart from me, therefore, you bloodthirsty men.20 For they speak against You wickedly; Your enemies take Your name in vain.21 Do I not hate them, O LORD, who hate You? And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?22 I hate them with perfect hatred; I count them my enemies.23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties;24 And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.
This is my prayer tonight as I write heavy hearted, after I've watched my dear wife on the heels of such a hard 2 months, she's had a rough day today. The pains of post surgery muscle spasms that radiate from her rib cage around to her back have become yet even more intense and it is wearing on her already frail body. She wishes and wants that each day be her day of discharge, but i must say that today was a slightly different story. She had a total of 4 major bouts of pain today, which doctors continue to say are normal, but the classification of normal doesn't lessen the pain. Tonight, as we were visiting with Lacey's mother and Elyse, Lacey hastily got up from bed and squatted to the floor in tears, just trying to find a comfortable position, she cried and moaned and rushed into the restroom where she began to vomit. So painful and distressing for a already marred abdomen to endure such pressure. We assisted her back to bed and the wonderful nurses provided her with some meds for nausea and she was more comfortable within minutes. However, this knocked her down emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually as we all recognize the difficulty it is to continue to hold fast to our Lord when things seem so negative. Please pray that Lacey can continue, by God's intervening hand, to trust in Him. Pray that God will continue to strengthen her and hold her up as she desires so much to be with her dear baby girl. Pray also that i may continue to share truths from God's word with her that she may be upheld by His spirit and preserved by his promises. She is resting now and seems to be more comfortable but we can only beg our Creator to glorify Himself through us, and we beg Him that it may be pleasing in His sight to begin to remove some pain and distress from my beautiful bride, of whom I love dearly.
I find rest in the Psalm of David quoted above because I know that God knows us, He knows are sitting and our rising, He knows our hearts and minds, and He hems us in on all sides with a hedge of protection. We cannot and will not ever be or flee from his presence. His hand leads and holds us up. The darkness we face as the sun sinks low this evening and Lacey continues to suffer is no darkness at all to our God. He neither slumbers nor sleeps, and in Him there is no shadow of turning. He formed even Lacey's inner most parts and knew them in her mother's womb, and His eyes saw and knew even our unformed substance. God isn't affected by fatigue, soreness, nausea or emotional despair, God is a God of consistency, sovereignty and love. His way for us is our way toward good. Lacey, in the midst of her vomitting today said, "at least my pancreas isn't hurting, I can deal with this," my heart wept but she demonstrated a trust in God's providences and demonstrated her sight that even in this, He is working for our good. He is using her sufferring, 1200 miles from home, and many nights away from a beloved 10 month old daughter, to affect and change the lives of many people. How could we complain? To God be the Glory! Thank you for calls, texts, prayers, cards, flowers, baby supplies and simple comments on this blog. Each of these is so encouraging to us, me especially, as i continue to minister to Lacey. Please continue to pray for her and for her complete healing.
Post Opt Day 10
Lacey has began to have some increases in her pain over the past few days which has been discouraging to her, and me. However, the doctors and surgical staff ensures us that these pains are expected and that they will begin to dimenish with time. The pains she's experiencing are like muscle cramps in her stomach that radiates from her front abdomen around to her ribs and back. These pains come on suddenly and usually last until she is able to get a medication that will help relax her muscles. The doctors said that many patients get these pains after surgery as the stomach begins to wake up and move again. She had an episode around 4am, then another around 9, then we just had another very severe episode about 3pm. She is now resting comfortably. She tried to do some walking in the midst of this last episode but it did not help. Her blood sugars have been better and more regularly controlled with a slight increase in the amound of insulin she gets in the morning. So far today she hasn't needed any additional insulin. She did order a cheeseburger at lunch with fries, which is a dream for her, but she was only able to eat about half the fries and two bites of the burger. Her stomach is just not able to hold the food that her mouth and eyes dream of. That will get better.
They have also cut her IV pain medicine down greatly and she is getting some pain meds by mouth. She is doing very well with the pain, except when those sharp spasms come on. The doctors are still hopeful for discharge on Monday, and they are doing calorie counts today to see if lacey is taking in enough food or if she'll continue on TPN after discharge until her stomach stretches a bit. We are still hoping the drainage tube will be pulled out of abdomen tomorrow, but not today because it is still draining.
Please pray specifically today for Lacey's strength and encouragment from God. Pray that He will give her extra encouragment and hold her up as He has thus far. She is discouraged at the increase in her pains and the muscle spasms and she is really beginning to get homesick. She also misses Elyse so much and desires greatly to be with her again. Just when you think the battle can't get any more difficult, there are new challenges and new goals. Lacey understands that she is not ready for discharge physically, but mentally she wonders how many more days she can go. We are faithful that God will continue to hold her up by His gracious hands and she knows to trust Him through these trials. However, with pain and fatigue, it is very difficult for her to focus. Please pray that God will continue to reveal Himself to her and that he will encourage her to press on.
They have also cut her IV pain medicine down greatly and she is getting some pain meds by mouth. She is doing very well with the pain, except when those sharp spasms come on. The doctors are still hopeful for discharge on Monday, and they are doing calorie counts today to see if lacey is taking in enough food or if she'll continue on TPN after discharge until her stomach stretches a bit. We are still hoping the drainage tube will be pulled out of abdomen tomorrow, but not today because it is still draining.
Please pray specifically today for Lacey's strength and encouragment from God. Pray that He will give her extra encouragment and hold her up as He has thus far. She is discouraged at the increase in her pains and the muscle spasms and she is really beginning to get homesick. She also misses Elyse so much and desires greatly to be with her again. Just when you think the battle can't get any more difficult, there are new challenges and new goals. Lacey understands that she is not ready for discharge physically, but mentally she wonders how many more days she can go. We are faithful that God will continue to hold her up by His gracious hands and she knows to trust Him through these trials. However, with pain and fatigue, it is very difficult for her to focus. Please pray that God will continue to reveal Himself to her and that he will encourage her to press on.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Post Opt day 9
All in all, it's been a good day for Lacey today. She's had some slight increases in her blood sugar and the diabetic team is a little confused on the reason for the increase. They want her sugar to run about 100-120 and it's been around 130-180 today. They are changing her insulin a little to try to get things a little more controlled. She's had some episodes of increased pain today but seems like the pain is related to activity and she is pushing herself to get better physically. The doctors changed her to regular diet this morning and she's enjoyed a few bites of normal food, however, she has a very small stomach right now and only can hold 6 to 8 bites of food. She has been so many days and weeks without food in her stomach and because of the surgery, her stomach is much smaller and doesn't tolerate food as well. The doctors say this will change with time. They began taking her off of the IV pain medications today and are changing her over to meds by mouth which is a big first step to going home (or to the hotel at least.) There are many residents and students that are part of Lacey's care and we see many doctors and near-doctors everyday. They are all very helpful. One of the young doctors came by today and said a safe prediction for discharge would be Monday which is not what Lacey wanted to hear but we remain thankful for the time here and the healing that is taking place by the mercy of God. We are glad to have an end in sight and glad that her pancreas pain and nausea are gone! She was able to take another shower this evening and though it wore her out, it made her feel better and she is beginning to handle more daily activities on her own day by day. Please keep praying.
Draw Near to God - C.H. Spurgeon
"Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you #James 4:8
The nearer we come to God, the more graciously will He reveal Himself to us. When the prodigal comes to his father, his father runs to meet him. When the wandering dove returns to the ark, Noah puts out his hand to pull her in unto him. When the tender wife seeks her husband’s society, he comes to her on wings of love. Come then, dear friend, let us draw nigh to God who so graciously awaits us, yea, comes to meet us.
Did you ever notice that passage in Isaiah 58:9? There the Lord seems to put Himself at the disposal of His people, saying to them, "Here I am." As much as to say—"What have you to say to me? What can I do for you? I am waiting to bless you. How can we hesitate to draw near? God is nigh to forgive, to bless, to comfort, to help, to quicken, to deliver. Let it be the main point with us to get near to God. This done, all is done. If we draw near to others, they may before long grow weary of us and leave us; but if we seek the Lord alone, no change will come over His mind, but He will continue to come nearer and yet nearer to us by fuller and more joyful fellowship.
Draw Near to God - C.H. Spurgeon
"Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you #James 4:8
The nearer we come to God, the more graciously will He reveal Himself to us. When the prodigal comes to his father, his father runs to meet him. When the wandering dove returns to the ark, Noah puts out his hand to pull her in unto him. When the tender wife seeks her husband’s society, he comes to her on wings of love. Come then, dear friend, let us draw nigh to God who so graciously awaits us, yea, comes to meet us.
Did you ever notice that passage in Isaiah 58:9? There the Lord seems to put Himself at the disposal of His people, saying to them, "Here I am." As much as to say—"What have you to say to me? What can I do for you? I am waiting to bless you. How can we hesitate to draw near? God is nigh to forgive, to bless, to comfort, to help, to quicken, to deliver. Let it be the main point with us to get near to God. This done, all is done. If we draw near to others, they may before long grow weary of us and leave us; but if we seek the Lord alone, no change will come over His mind, but He will continue to come nearer and yet nearer to us by fuller and more joyful fellowship.
Our God is near and Our God is good! We thank Him for each day and each step!
Post Opt Night 9
Last night was another quite restful night for Lacey..and me. Her stomach began moving late yesterday evening and she was able to move some liquids through her system. She is having some periods of very intense pain in her belly at times depending on when her intestines are processing food and liquids. The doctors say this will get better. She had a bad episode around 3am and finally got settled back in about 4am. We both were able to sleep til around 830am and she was feeling better this morning. The doctors came in and were impressed with her progress and glad that her stomack has "woke up." They changed her diet today to a regular diet and will begin changing her pain meds over to oral medications rather than IV meds. They want to see how well she does and how well her stomach and intestines digest and process the foods she eats. The doctors exact words were "if you do good with regular diet and oral meds, your discharge will be very soon." Now I can't explain what "very soon" means so we will continue to be patient but we are hopeful that in another 2-3 days we'll at least be back at the hotel with our daughter and Lacey's mother, hopefully to gain a few days of rest and recooperation. This road has been hard, but God is delivering us, just as He has delivered His people so many times since the Exodus. We are thankful, and even though Lacey is having some intense periods of pain with the intestinal digestion process, she is overall better and continues to improve. The doctors said this morning that she will most likely not need TPN after discharge which is a true blessing.
Laceys blood sugars have jumped around a bit since her intake of liquids has increased but the endocrinologist says that her islet cells are beginning to work but that it will just take some time for them to be in full operation. She gets a small shot of Lantus, a long acting insulin in the morning, and she is only needing like 1 or 2 units of insulin with meals. This is minimal and is definitely a great trade off for that pancreatitis she was dealing with. We continue to thank God and He continues to hold us up. I can't testify enough of what He's done for us.
Here is a picture of Lacey eating her first hash browns in 12 years. Enjoy. I nearly cried just watching her enjoy such a basic meal! We just don't appreciate the small things in life like we should.
Laceys blood sugars have jumped around a bit since her intake of liquids has increased but the endocrinologist says that her islet cells are beginning to work but that it will just take some time for them to be in full operation. She gets a small shot of Lantus, a long acting insulin in the morning, and she is only needing like 1 or 2 units of insulin with meals. This is minimal and is definitely a great trade off for that pancreatitis she was dealing with. We continue to thank God and He continues to hold us up. I can't testify enough of what He's done for us.
Here is a picture of Lacey eating her first hash browns in 12 years. Enjoy. I nearly cried just watching her enjoy such a basic meal! We just don't appreciate the small things in life like we should.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Post Opt Day 8
Hope you all enjoyed the pictures. Sorry its so graphic. We've had a good day today and things continue to go well. Lacey has had some gastric stimulating medications today which have made her slightly uncomfortable but tonight the meds paid off and her intestines and stomach woke up. Things are moving through her system and we hope that tomorrow the docs will increase her diet to a soft regular diet and maybe she'll be able to take pain meds by mouth. Still no nausea! The intestinal movement is a huge step toward discharge and we'll hope it's soon. It's easy to assume the body is working and things are flowing as usual but it is important to know that God did create us and step back to watch us work. He continues by the power of His hand to hold us up and make our tiniest particles interact so that the body functions properly. Not only is birth of a baby a miracle, the plain fact that our bodys work and flow as they do is a daily miracle. We thank God that He coordinates the movement of cells and electrical impulses that makes our bodies work.
They will be doing some diabetes management training for lace and i over the next day or two and are also considering sending us home with tpn for nutrition because with this procedure the stomach shrinks and it is difficult for patients to eat enough food to provide good nutrition for a few weeks. Hopefully we'll avoid the TPN and maybe she can go out of here IV and tube free. The drainage tube in her belly continues to drain but is less and less everyday but docs aren't ready to remove it yet. If tomorrow continues as days have in the past, we are anticipating a great day and more progress. Please keep praying and in those prayers thank God for His mercies and blessings on our lives.
Another fine quote from the Prince of Preachers:
"Natural disease may be instrumentally healed by men, but even the honour is to be given to God who giveth virtue unto medicine, and bestoweth power unto the human frame to cast off disease."
They will be doing some diabetes management training for lace and i over the next day or two and are also considering sending us home with tpn for nutrition because with this procedure the stomach shrinks and it is difficult for patients to eat enough food to provide good nutrition for a few weeks. Hopefully we'll avoid the TPN and maybe she can go out of here IV and tube free. The drainage tube in her belly continues to drain but is less and less everyday but docs aren't ready to remove it yet. If tomorrow continues as days have in the past, we are anticipating a great day and more progress. Please keep praying and in those prayers thank God for His mercies and blessings on our lives.
Another fine quote from the Prince of Preachers:
"Natural disease may be instrumentally healed by men, but even the honour is to be given to God who giveth virtue unto medicine, and bestoweth power unto the human frame to cast off disease."
Lacey has had a pretty good day today and continues to use less pain meds as the days pass. She was able to go out for a walk as you saw the pics earlier. The stomach is slowly beginning to wake up some and we are praying for a good night. Sugars continue to do well with the shots and Lacey is eating a full liquid diet but is not really hungry due to her intestines being slow right now. I've pasted some pics that you may want to see. Beware those of you with a weak stomach!! You will see by the pics why she is hurting so bad, they had her stomach stretched open for 12hours. Hope you enjoy!
The extreme pain she's been in is partially from those stainless binders holding open her stomach for 12 hours.
The extreme pain she's been in is partially from those stainless binders holding open her stomach for 12 hours.
That is the stomach in the right hand.
Dr. Sutherland, the chief surgeon on the left and Dr. Black on the right.
The angry pancreas, finally where it a bucket.
Now, that's what i'm talking about.
Now who's in pain?
Lots of sutures connecting the intestine back to the stomach..very painful.
Post Opt Night 8
Lacey had another good night of rest and did not wake very often to press her pain button. She used less than half of the medicine during the night than she had used the previous 8 hours. She woke up this morning around 530 in some pain, but seemed like the pain was a result of not using much medicine through the night. She was able to get it controlled within an hour and by 630 she was sleeping again. The doctors came by again this morning and are pleased with Lacey's progress. They will increase the med today to encourage her intestines to wake up so that food will pass through normally. Her blood sugar before breakfast this morning was 135 and that is good, but they are going to increase her insulin shot by 2 units to keep it nice and low for now. They are still very positive that her insulin needs will continue to decrease as she continues to get better. Lacey and I were able to walk downstairs and outside earlier this morning and she really enjoyed a breath of fresh, COLD air. It was nice. I think it's about 28 here this morning but it was comforting to Lacey since she had not been outside since Oct 22 when she was rushed off the plane by paramedics. Lacey is far more ready to go home than the doctors are, and patience is wearing thin. Please pray for her to be patient and pray that her body will continue to heal by God's merciful healing touch. Pray specifically that food will move through normally and that her intestines will begin to work as usual.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Post Opt Day 7
So we've survived (and thrived) through 1 week after surgery and Lacey continues to improve. She has had a little more pain today, and as stated earlier, i feel that it is from all of her activity yesterday. Still no nausea and absolutely NO PANCREAS pain!! She (and I) are really missing our dear little girl and we were able to visit with her tonight at the hospital for a few minutes. It is so hard watching your daughter grow up from a distance and only having minimal interaction time with her. She is so sweet and has been as perfect as a 10 month old could be through all this. We are so thankful for her and just seeing her smile brings encouragement to us all.
Lacey did get the central line in her neck removed today and got a picc line in her right upper arm, which is less cumbersome to her movement and with less risk for infection. She also was taken off the IV insulin and began receiving insulin through a tiny shot in the arm. Hopefully this will control her blood sugars as the islet cells continue to work in the liver. We have had a good day together and she actually walked up and down a flight of stairs today, which allowed her to be officially discharged from occupational and physical therapy, so now it's my job to help her rehab. We enjoy our short walks together and with time, we've learned to thank God for every step she takes. She was also increased from a clear liquid diet today to a full liquid diet, which basically means she can have anything that is liquid in it's simplest form (coke, tea, ice, ice cream, broth, and cream soups). I got to watch Lacey enjoy her first bowl of real ice cream in 12 years!!! It was truly a moment of joy for us both. No more worries about pancreas pain from fat because there's no pancreas!
Doctors continue to be impressed and surprised with her speedy recovery and this surgery usually requires at least 14 days of hospital stay and we're on day 7 and she's doing great. However doctors did say today, she'll be in for 5 to 6 more days, but Lacey has not settled for that yet(shes working hard to get out sooner). They are still waiting for her intestines to wake up and for food to start moving through her system more regularly. Seems like the intestinal movement and pain control is the main holdup for getting out of here, but the doctors really don't feel comfortable discharging a patient this soon with so many new connections in the stomach, so she's being patient. God continues to bless us and i can't possibly (and will never be able) to express my thankfulness for what God has done. There's no doubt this has been the hardest and most life changing experience we've ever had, but I can be nothing but thankful for what God is doing through this. Thank you alll for your comments, prayers, cards, calls, and even financial support. We will never be able to thank you enough.
Lacey did get the central line in her neck removed today and got a picc line in her right upper arm, which is less cumbersome to her movement and with less risk for infection. She also was taken off the IV insulin and began receiving insulin through a tiny shot in the arm. Hopefully this will control her blood sugars as the islet cells continue to work in the liver. We have had a good day together and she actually walked up and down a flight of stairs today, which allowed her to be officially discharged from occupational and physical therapy, so now it's my job to help her rehab. We enjoy our short walks together and with time, we've learned to thank God for every step she takes. She was also increased from a clear liquid diet today to a full liquid diet, which basically means she can have anything that is liquid in it's simplest form (coke, tea, ice, ice cream, broth, and cream soups). I got to watch Lacey enjoy her first bowl of real ice cream in 12 years!!! It was truly a moment of joy for us both. No more worries about pancreas pain from fat because there's no pancreas!
Doctors continue to be impressed and surprised with her speedy recovery and this surgery usually requires at least 14 days of hospital stay and we're on day 7 and she's doing great. However doctors did say today, she'll be in for 5 to 6 more days, but Lacey has not settled for that yet(shes working hard to get out sooner). They are still waiting for her intestines to wake up and for food to start moving through her system more regularly. Seems like the intestinal movement and pain control is the main holdup for getting out of here, but the doctors really don't feel comfortable discharging a patient this soon with so many new connections in the stomach, so she's being patient. God continues to bless us and i can't possibly (and will never be able) to express my thankfulness for what God has done. There's no doubt this has been the hardest and most life changing experience we've ever had, but I can be nothing but thankful for what God is doing through this. Thank you alll for your comments, prayers, cards, calls, and even financial support. We will never be able to thank you enough.
Central line in neck is out and they have successfully inserted a picc line into Lacey's right arm. TPN will continue through the picc line. She has had more fluid intake today and continues without nausea, which is rare for this post-surgical period. They are stopping her IV insulin today and will give her minimal amounts insulin in a shot to see how she does. Seems like her transplanted islets are really beginning to do their job and doctors remain very hopeful that she will not need insulin in the days to come. She has had more pain today and it seems that it stems from the amount of activity she had yesterday with the shower and walking more than usual. She is resting now and continues to make progress.
Post Opt Night 7
Lacey's good day yesterday continued into the night but she became quite tired and sore. She was able to take a shower and move around quite a bit but it took a toll on her. She rested well through the night once she finally got comfortable and she didn't have to get up and walk during the night for the first time in a few days. She has been waking up quite uncomfortable and needing to walk to the halls to work out the soreness but last night she rested very well. She did wake up this morning to more pain than usual, but nurses and doctors seem to think it's a result of her activity yesterday. We had a wonderful time last night in the hospital room when we were able to have Elyse here with us. She got in the bed with Lacey and we held her so that she wouldn't shake the bed too much. To see Lacey interact with her was truly a joy. We miss her so much, but I know Lacey is missing her incredibly. We've been in the hospital either here or back home for 45 of the last 60 days, which means we've been away from our daughter that many nights. It is so hard. However, as happy as we are in each other and with our daughter, we know that our source of joy and strength is not in each other and not Elyse, but it comes from our Heavenly Father, in whom we will never be separated from. We long for Him for our strength and He is able.
The surgical team came by today and said she was still making great progress but that she would probably be in the hospital at least another 5 to 6 days. This was not news we wanted to hear. We were hoping to get out of here Wednesday but not sure that's gonna happen. They are very cautious after this major surgery and don't want to discharge until it is obvious that the GI tract is working normally. They also will remove the central line in her neck today and insert a picc line back into her arm so that she can continue to get TPN for nutrition until they are sure she is able to take in adequate nutrition by mouth. She continues to get insulin in her IV and her blood sugars are very stable. So for today, therapy will continue, liquid diet will continue (she's had no nausea for 36 hours now!!), and the new picc line will be inserted. We will continue to wait for her gut and intestines to begin to move food through then she will hopefully be advanced to a more solid diet and less of the TPN. The goal before being discharged to the hotel will be food intake by mouth, minimal insulin by shots, and normal food flow through the body, as well as strength for activities of daily life and the pain must be controlled by oral pain meds. We look forward to that day of discharge and to some nights with our baby girl, but until that time, we will continue to call out to God and beg for his continued mercy and blessings. May He continue to be glorified through us.
Lyrics to a song on my mind this morning:
In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus
Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus,
You can have all this world,
But give me Jesus
When I am alone
When I am alone
When I am alone, give me Jesus
Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus,
You can have all this world,
But give me Jesus
When I come to die
When I come to die
When I come to die, give me Jesus
Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus,
You can have all this world,
You can have all this world,
You can have all this world,
But give me Jesus
Not a person, thing, situation, medication, doctor, or any other entity in this world can bring peace and rest to the children of God. He sent Jesus, and just as the the thief on the cross cried out to Jesus as He sufferred so shall we call on Jesus, and long for nothing else. For with worldly things and people, the joy provided will be temporal, but from morning's rise til death's call, the peace and rest of God through Christ will never be a failure upon us.
The surgical team came by today and said she was still making great progress but that she would probably be in the hospital at least another 5 to 6 days. This was not news we wanted to hear. We were hoping to get out of here Wednesday but not sure that's gonna happen. They are very cautious after this major surgery and don't want to discharge until it is obvious that the GI tract is working normally. They also will remove the central line in her neck today and insert a picc line back into her arm so that she can continue to get TPN for nutrition until they are sure she is able to take in adequate nutrition by mouth. She continues to get insulin in her IV and her blood sugars are very stable. So for today, therapy will continue, liquid diet will continue (she's had no nausea for 36 hours now!!), and the new picc line will be inserted. We will continue to wait for her gut and intestines to begin to move food through then she will hopefully be advanced to a more solid diet and less of the TPN. The goal before being discharged to the hotel will be food intake by mouth, minimal insulin by shots, and normal food flow through the body, as well as strength for activities of daily life and the pain must be controlled by oral pain meds. We look forward to that day of discharge and to some nights with our baby girl, but until that time, we will continue to call out to God and beg for his continued mercy and blessings. May He continue to be glorified through us.
Lyrics to a song on my mind this morning:
In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus
Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus,
You can have all this world,
But give me Jesus
When I am alone
When I am alone
When I am alone, give me Jesus
Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus,
You can have all this world,
But give me Jesus
When I come to die
When I come to die
When I come to die, give me Jesus
Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus,
You can have all this world,
You can have all this world,
You can have all this world,
But give me Jesus
Not a person, thing, situation, medication, doctor, or any other entity in this world can bring peace and rest to the children of God. He sent Jesus, and just as the the thief on the cross cried out to Jesus as He sufferred so shall we call on Jesus, and long for nothing else. For with worldly things and people, the joy provided will be temporal, but from morning's rise til death's call, the peace and rest of God through Christ will never be a failure upon us.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Post Opt Day 6
Just wanted to share with everyone that Lacey was just able to take a shower and wash her hair (which will mean alot to you women). She's doing a little better today than yesterday and has had the tube out of her nose since around 10am and has had no nausea. Ate some jello and drank some juice and no nausea. Hoping the good progress continues and thankful for where God has brought us thus far. Praise be to Him alone.
10:00 AM
The doctors came by early this morning and shared some great news: the nasogastric tube can come out! The nurse came by a little later and pulled the tube out and Lacey is very relieved. One step closer to full recovery. Seems like her stomach and intestines still haven't began to wake up much, but the doctors say that will come with time. They ordered her a full liquid diet and she was able to drink some apple juice without any nausea so far. She has had a restful morning so far and she will have therapy today at 11. Things continue to go smoothly and God's blessings continue to pour out upon us. Some of our families will be leaving today and we are sad about that but we remain here for an undetermined number of days. Lacey's mother, sister, myself and Elyse will stay in Minneapolis and the rest of the family will head south. It has been so wonderful to have our families here to share this time of sufferring and celebration with us. Lacey continues to get TPN for nutrition as her fluid intake by mouth will still be minimal for the next few days. She continues to use pain medications but seems to be using less each day. She is able to sit up in the bed on her own and go from sitting to standing position on her own. Walking is improving and she now walks without the walker. Only two tubes left in her: the one draining from inside her stomach out the wound area, and the IV central line in her neck. Hoping the drainage tube from her would will be gone tomorrow and the IV will stay in as long as she's here.
Progress continues and we are humbly thankful to our Lord.
Progress continues and we are humbly thankful to our Lord.
Post Opt Night 6
Lacey has had another fairly good night and she rested pretty well. She was having some nausea early in the night but was able to get nausea med around 11pm which helped her nausea and also seemed to help her rest. She did wake up around 3am again with some back pain and so we walked down the hall to try to loosen up her muscles. She got back to bed around 4 and has rested well since that time. She is using less pain meds as the days pass, but remains quite uncomfortable. Her blood sugars are running very good, but the nurses still have to keep a check on it every hour, which is really bruising the tips of Lacey's fingers. She's had hourly blood sugar checks for nearly 6 days now so you can imagine how bad her fingers must hurt, but she hasn't complained a bit about that. Math tells me that's around 144 finger sticks this past fun! They have kept the nasogastric tube clamped off all night to see how her stomach reacts without being empty all the time and she has done fairly well. We'll see how the day progresses and if the nausea keeps up, they may have to turn the tube back on to suction to keep her stomach empty. If her stomach can tolerate the natural fluids it produces, they will probably remove the nasogastric tube. Still haven't got much evidence that her intestines have started moving good yet so they'll force her to hold off on food and liquids until there is evidence that the stomach and intestines are ready to process food. Until that time, she will continue to get the TPN through her IV line in her neck so she has adequate nutrition until her stomach is ready for food.
So for now, we are still waiting and recovering and she continues to work hard and do exactly what the doctors tell her...she is a much better patient than I feel I would be. I admire her greatly and she will never know what an encouragement and inspiration she is to me (and many of you i'm sure).
So for now, we are still waiting and recovering and she continues to work hard and do exactly what the doctors tell her...she is a much better patient than I feel I would be. I admire her greatly and she will never know what an encouragement and inspiration she is to me (and many of you i'm sure).
Saturday, October 31, 2009
"Do not attribute to secondary means that which ought to be ascribed to God alone. His fresh air, and warm sun, or bracing wind, and refreshing showers do more for our healing than we dream of, or if medicine be used, it is he who gives virtue to the drugs, and so by his own Almighty hand works out our cure."
Charles H. Spurgeon
Charles H. Spurgeon
Post Opt Day 5
Today has been much better since the episode of nausea around 9 this morning. The medication she received for nausea about 10 made her quite drowsy so she has slept quite a bit. I also think the sleeping is a sign of less pain and a sign that her body is so tired from the past weeks. She needs all the sleep she can get. They moved us over to 6D finally which is more like a regular hospital floor on the transplant unit. Lacey rode the wheelchair over here then got up and walked over 300 feet down the hall and did some upper body range of motion with the therapists. They continue to be amazed at her strength and drive to get better. As for her attitude, it has been much better since this morning and i think the nausea was discouraging since that was one of the main problems prior to the surgery. The doctor came by and ensured her that the nausea was expected for several days but would get better. Just the thought that nausea before the surgery, then big operation, then more nausea after surgery seems to be discouraging because the surgery is supposed to "fix" it all. The doctors say things will get better but progress comes slowly since her entire stomach and intestines were rearranged and are just now beginning to "wake up." They did clamp off the nasogastric tube about 6 hours ago to see how her stomach would react and so far she's had no nausea since around 9. We'll continue to see how she does as the nausea medications wear off and her stomach continues to wake up. I would guess that if she does well for 24 hours with the tube clamped and begins to see signs of her intestines moving they should remove the nasal tube tomorrow. I have also noted quite a bit less drainage from her tube coming out of the wound and doctors said when drainage is less than 50ml a day, that tube could be removed. I think it was 150 yesterday so maybe by tomorrow it'll be able to be taken out also. Things are looking better, but Lacey still has quite a long recovery. Not sure how much longer we'll be hospitalized, i would guess at least 7 more days, then we'll spend about 7-10 days here in the city to see how her body reacts to food and activity before the doctors will let us return home. Please continue to pray for us as we continue heal and get closer to coming home. Pray for me specifically because i get homesick on vacations, so you must know i'm getting homesick here because this is far from an enjoyable vacation! God continues to amaze us daily. Hope you enjoyed the pictures, maybe they'll be more later.
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28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.29 ¶ For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.30 And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.31 ¶ What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:28-31 ESV