Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hotel Day 2

Day 2 here at the hotel has been rather uneventful and we remain very thankful for yet another day of healing from the hand of our Lord. Lacey has done well and continues to need medications for her pain, which is expected for awhile. She is also having some issues with her blood sugars, and like yesterday, it seems that the sugar gets really low really quickly. We are experimenting daily with insulin and trying to do what the diabetic team told us, but with her islets doing partial work and her insulin doing the other part, it is difficult to maintain. We are thankful for the activity of her islet cells and it seems that she continues to get better..and closer to flying south! After seeing the surgeon on Thursday we will know more about when we can come home but we are hoping for sometime early to mid next week.
We did get to go out to dinner tonight about 2 blocks from the hotel and Lacey was able to try some fried sushi for the first time. We had an enjoyable with with her parents and Elyse, but she was tired and ready to rest when we got back to the hotel. Please continue to pray that God will increase her strength and prepare her for such a long trip back home. Thank you for your coninued prayers, and please continue to watch the blog as Lacey will in the next few days, begin to blog some of her experiences. I am very excited for all of you to hear from Lacey and she is excited about sharing God's grace and mercy with so many of you, who have held us up in prayer for so many days.
Also if I could add, if any of you are interested, please see on my list of blogs that I follow, and look at the blog Altogether Lovely, which is a blog started by Lacey's father, Randy. It is full of Biblical nutrition and has some breif and very powerful teaching on God's Holy Word. He also has been deeply impacted, as you may imagine, by watching his daughter suffer for 12 years with such a life threatening illness.

A sweet time for Mommy and Baby

Tears at the good taste of pizza!

Catching up on quality time with our girl!


  1. I am overjoyed to see Lacey get to eat so many foods! You are still in my prayers for healing and thanksgiving.

  2. Are you guys considering a book. You have enough material for a book that would be a blessing to many.

    love you guys

    Bro Harry

  3. Oh how beautiful is the smiles of your family!! So happy that Lacey is able to eat real food again and it taste so good to her. Praying that God will continue to strengthen her, heal her body and give her endurance. Love ya'll.
    Karen Byrd

  4. Oh my goodness!!!! Please hurry home with that precious baby!!! We miss yall so much!! I am so glad that Lacey is eating that wonderful pizza! I am singing with Joy as I write this because yall look so HAPPY!! Keep up the good work and Keep Your smiles on!! We are praying for all of you everyday! We love Ya'll!! Dad and Mom

  5. Glad to hear that all is going well! I knew that you would progress well and NOT stay in the hospital for long. I'm glad I was able to meet and care for you and your wonderful family.
    'Nurse Boots'

  6. Congratulations on being released to the hotel Lacey! I just want to say thank you to Jeremy for keeping everyone so well informed. You are both such an inspiration. I continue to pray for your family every day. May you continue to progress and come home soon. God Bless!

  7. this is so wonderful!! i am so happy for yall.
