Here we remain in the hospital and after a rough evening yesterday and some severe pain, nausea and vomitting around 7 last night, Lacey seemed to have had some relief over night. She slept very well and only woke up once around 3 am. Today, she's had some nausea but only one episode of vomitting and the meds seem to be working well and she seems more relieved between doses of nausea and pain meds. She is using much less pain meds and actually took 3 small cups of chicken broth today. We are seeing progress thanks to God's healing hand and we are thankful. However, Lacey remains very homesick and even says she feels almost trapped between the 4 walls of this hospital room. Please continue to lift her before the throne of God in prayer and beg for His mercy and grace in her sufferring. She continues to get nutrition via TPN through her PICC line and doctors are encouraging her to increase the fluid intake by mouth as much as possible with hopes of advancing to a liquid diet...and discharge home!! Seems like we may still be a day or two away from that but today's progress has encouraged us both. Thank you for the prayers and please know that the God we serve is never failing, never sleeping, and He is not surprised or overwhelmed by any happening for we know that He is our creator and He plans every detail of our lives. Our sufferring is to glorify Him for we know that all things are working for our good and for His glory because we love Him and we are called according to His purpose. Praise be to Him from whom all blessings flow.
An awesome quote from C.H. Spurgeon:
I, the preacher of this hour, beg to bear my little witness that the worst days I have ever had have turned out to be my best days, and when God has seemed most cruel to me he has then been most kind. If there is anything in this world for which I would bless him more than for anything else it is for pain and affliction. I am sure that in these things the richest, tenderest love has been manifested towards me. I pray you, dear friends, if you are at this time very low, and greatly distressed, encourage yourselves in the abundant faithfulness of the God who hides himself. Our Father’s wagons rumble most heavily when they are bringing us the richest freight of the bullion of his grace. Love letters from heaven are often sent in black-edged envelopes. The cloud that is black with horror is big with mercy. We may not ask for trouble, but if we were wise we should look upon it as the shadow of an unusually great blessing.
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
19 hours ago
My Dear Children,
ReplyDeleteIt is with unspeakable joy and deep gratitude to God that I read your posts nightly. That our all-wise God is growing and shaping you both in your suffering is abundantly evident in the spiritual depth of your posts.
My heart pours forth in strong pleadings and supplications for both of you all day long and into the night watches. I am repeatedly assured that in all these things you are more than conquerors through Him Who loves you and gave Himself for you. Though you are walking through the valley of the shadow of death the Lord is obviously comforting you with His Word and precepts, and is, even now, preparing a rich table before you in these trials. Surely, goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your lives, and you will dwell in the house of our God forever.
Do you remember the words to the song of your wedding procession? “Ever singing, march we onward; victors in the midst of strife! Joyful music leads us Son-ward, in the triumph song of life!” This you are now doing, and your God is being glorified in ways that you do not yet understand.
Unto Him who is now doing exceeding, abundantly above all the we even know to ask or think….to Him be all glory both now and forever.
Your devoted, adoring, admiring father